Sunday, March 20, 2011


Review For:
Dust to Dust, by Heather Graham
ISBN: 9780778326540
Publisher: Mira Books

Author Heather Graham is a NY Times best-selling author of more than a hundred novels in the romance and sub-genres of romance. Her books have been on the Doubleday Book Club and the Literary Guild. She’s currently the VP of the Horror Writers’ Association. She resides in Florida.
One act of heroism had changed Scott Bryant’s life forever. Now, with superhuman powers, Scott has teamed up with the alluring Melanie Regan after both having mysterious dreams about finding a woman known as the Oracle. With prophesies claiming end of days in 2012, both Melanie and Scott need to find the third earth sign to complete their union and stop their part against evil. Because now the mortal and immortal must join forces if anyone is to survive.
This is book one in The Prophesy series, with four books in total. Though this book stands alone, I don’t think I could stand not reading the rest Book two is set for release in July 2010.
I can’t fathom how much research it must have taken to write this fictional book. It delves in to cultures from all over the globe and various religions, as well as prophesies claimed by them. With true accounts, I was most pleased that this book followed an idea that all religions, cultures, mortals, and immortals must come together to save humanity, also claiming that no one is wrong or right, that we all choose to have faith in different ways. This book follows the three earth signs- Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn- as they fight the first of four battles for earth. I’m fascinated by all the references to twelve also, (prophesies, astrological chart, months, moons). Where this sounds overly eccentric and religious, the book was not. It was a fantasy and/or paranormal romance. A well written one, as Heather Graham rarely if ever lets her fans down. A must read!

Kelly Moran,
Author and Reviewer

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