Sunday, March 20, 2011

Interview--SUSAN KEARNEY 1

Author Susan Kearney is a native of New Jersey, writes full time and has sold books to the industries' top publishing houses. As an award-winning author, Kearney earned a Business Degree from the University of Michigan. Her knowledge and experience spans throughout the romance genre, and her fifty plus books include contemporary, romantic suspense, historical, futuristic, science fiction and paranormal novels- With Rion as part of this series coming in December 2009, and Jordan coming in March 2010. She resides in Tampa, Florida with her husband and children.

Thanks for being here, Susan. It’s a pleasure. Thanks for asking me!

#1- Tell us a little about yourself outside of your writing career… I like to figure skate and belly dance. I hate trying to sell my books. I want readers to find them by magic and love them enough to tell their friends. 

#2- I have to ask…Your new title, LUCAN, is a futuristic romance with plot lines revolving around the Holy Grail and King Arthur. How on Earth did you conjure this idea and carry it to a believable book? Ahh. The secret is the characters. If they believe, the readers believe . . . I try to put in just enough details to make the world and legend believable, the rest is action, romance and conflict. I like to keep the pace fast. I want readers to want to know what is going to happen next—and I try to do that from page one. I hate getting bogged down in back story—so I feed it in slowly.

#3- As you know, I reviewed your title LUCAN for Bookpleasures and loved it. But how do you handle the negative reviews and critiques you receive? We all have different tastes. I don’t like every book. Why would I expect everyone to like mine? And to tell you the truth, I’ve had book that got terrible reviews that sold like crazy and books that had wonderful reviews sell on the mediocre side. Plus I know my books are very sexy. My books are full of conflict. And I like really smart females. I like books where the hero and heroine are equal. I just hope enough readers like me so that I can keep writing.

#4- You write in several different sub-genres of romance. What made you want to do so and what challenges have you faced? Ah. Futuristics are my first love. But they were difficult to sell even a few years ago. But the market is opening up and there is more opportunity now than ever before. In the past, I’ve written other genres because that’s what I could sell. Luckily readers are finding futuristics and the market is growing. And I hope it’s the start of a new trend. Ten years ago who would have thought that Vampire books would be so hot? I’m hoping that in another five years we’ll be saying the same of futuristics.

#5- You are quite an accomplished author and an award-winner. What advice would you bestow on other aspiring authors? Learn your craft. Learn the business. And if you can’t be lucky, be persistent.

#6- Are there any upcoming releases we would like to know about, and could you give us your web site so readers can check it out? My upcoming releases are the Pendragon Legacy trilogy, starting in September with LUCAN, then Dec is RION and JORDAN is in March. You can find out more about my books at

#7- This about concludes it. Thank you again for joining us. Is there anything else you would like to share? Just one thing. To all you readers out there—if you like a book, tell your friends. Word of mouth is mostly how we gain new readers. And without you, the publishers wouldn’t buy our books. And then they wouldn’t pay us to write them. And for those of you who love to talk about books, your favorite authors love you. Keep up the good work!

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